國廣 沙織 Saori Kunihiro
広島県出身 京都市在住
6歳より書を始める。2011 年より” 書” を基盤として、国際交流活動を重ね、商業ロゴ制作、書籍題字、命名書、印鑑制作、書道 に関するワークショップの開催など活動中。
Saori Kunihiro is a Japanese calligraphist and designer.
She was born in the prefecture of Hiroshima.
She was only 6 years old when she did calligraphy for the first time. In 2011, she devoted herself to this art. Then, she did her best to promote international meetings. Moreover, she created her own commercial/trade logo, published a book about calligraphy, and started nominative calligraphy then she launched her own brand. Finally, Saori Kunihiro is also organizing workshops involving shodo, which is Japanese calligraphy, literally meaning “the way of writing.”